Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rain on the Roof

We spent the night in Limon, Colorado - although part of the Rocky Mountain state, the terrain is the same as the western half of Kansas (ie, flat). The weather, however, was more reminiscent of an east coast nor'easter: 45 degrees, 30 mph winds, and driving rain; not a good start with two labrador retrievers eager for their morning walk at a campground with dirt roads.

The weather improved as we approached Colorado Springs 70 miles to the west, but we were disappointed that the low clouds obscured our first glimpse of the Rockies.

Nevertheless, we got the chance to walk around the Garden of the Gods and continue on our way westward before getting rained in again at Buena Vista.

It doesn't help to keep hearing the locals say "we don't usually get this type of rain this time of year".

We can only look forward to improvements in the coming week.

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