Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 2

Our experience from prior extended trips has been that it's always the second day of our travels that we discover the things we've forgotten to pack. The first time, I believe it was extra bottled water; last year, it was peanutbutter - both easy to remedy. This year, it's my laptop power cord - more specifically, the apparently impossible to match adapter for a six to seven year old Dell Inspiron 5100. A stop at a suburban Ottawa Staples and another Radio Shack-like store produced no matches, and we very quickly discounted the idea of driving the 270 miles back home, considering our MPG rate. Fortunately, we've got John's laptop too so my new challenge will be to try to appropriate some snippets of time to upload pictures and post to this blog. (I have to admit, though, that I started to consider the benefits of travelling completely PC-less!).


We visited the Canadian capital city about ten years ago and were impressed with its beauty, cleanliness, and parks, so we took a quick drive through before heading west on to North Bay.

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