Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Maine 2015

This year, we've decided to head "Down East" - a shorter trip, but then again we don't have to spend days driving through the plains states to get to our destination.
Our intent had been to tow my VW Golf so that we'd have the option to park the RV for a couple of days and tool around in a car for a change, but alas the Golf is just a little too tall to fit into our enclosed trailer. 
I'm glad that John likes to take the scenic route - once we got to Hampton, NH, we followed the coast up to Wells, Maine instead of taking I-95.
Hampton, NH

 The weather promises to dry out and warm up over the next few days, but this evening we're nestled inside with the heat on, protected from the dank upper 40's outside.  AH, there's nothing like roughing it!
Sea-VU Campground lives up to its name, but I wonder if we'll see any of tomorrow's sunrise, or if it'll be as gray in the morning as it is this evening.

The VU from Sea-VU RV Park

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