Friday, June 5, 2009

Southwestern Colorado/Southeasthern Utah

Mesa Verde National Park is striking not only for the 13th century Anasazi cliff dwellings, but for the views it provides of the surrounding countryside.

Heading west into Utah, however, what struck us was how quickly the terrain can change from dramatic to desolate and back to breathtaking. Leaving Cortez Colorado towards Monticello and Blanding Utah, we found the small farming and reservation towns depressed and bleak, emphasized by the cloudy, hazy skies. As we progressed southward towards Utah towns like Bluff and Mexican Hat, the winds picked up and we found ourselves in quite the sandstorms as we headed into Monument Valley.

We found a campground in the heart of Monument Valley, with the following picture taken a few feet from our campsite. Unfortunately, because of the wind-driven sands, we couldn't enjoy too much time outdoors but had to spend most of the evening inside the RV.

A final post-script to the day: our campground and the surrounding area have little or no grassy space, just red sand. Gracie and Abby are decidedly Vermont dogs and need green space to "do their business" - it makes for very long walks outside while they search for that one little blade of grass!

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