Monday, July 25, 2011


This year we decided to visit our friends to the north, with our sights set on the St. Lawrence River area.
Today brought us across the U.S./Canadian border in Derby Line, Vermont. In pre-9/11 days, the international border wandered casually through the center of Derby Line, running right through the main room of the town's library.* Now security is considerably more stringent, with fences and border control vehicles positioned throughout.

Our crossing was uneventful, but we immediately found ourselves in a land where the primary language is one that neither of us knows. Worse, as John put it: "we were worried about gasoline hitting $5.00 a gallon, and we've gotten there!". That $1.36 is for a liter of gas; multiply by 3.8 and the U.S./Canadian monetary conversion and you come up with the true price per gallon - OUCH!

The next couple of weeks should be interesting. With our English-French dictionary and phrase book, we should be fluent in the language by the time we return. Maybe I should write this BLOG in French!

P.S. And if you've forgotten, here's a picture of your hostesses, taken (obviously) in cooler days a few months ago:

* See more about Derby Line:,_Vermont

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