Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Last Stop - North Conway

We started our trip a day later than planned because of rain and we came home a day early for the same reason.  We started out Monday in Naples, Maine, and seeing that (a) the forecast called for rain and (b) we were less than four hours from home, we didn't see much sense to spending a damp Monday night at a campground - especially with a couple of dogs who would have to go out in the rain and mud! 

But not so fast!   We took the opportunity to spend a few hours in the North Conway area, something we haven't had a chance to do in a couple of years.  We shopped, walked along Main Street, had lunch, and vowed to make the White Mountains the destination of a future RV trip (or a future ladies' weekend) -- hiking included.   We have spent so many great weekends in the Whites over more than 30 years, that the short stop just whet our appetites for returning soon.

Crawford Notch - views obscured, but not forgotten from years past!

My one regret on this vacation was that I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the lupines that are so abundant along the roadsides in Maine this time of year.  It seemed that they were always on the wrong side of the road and only in places where we weren't able to stop.   SO - I was pleased to find that the ones in our yard were in full bloom as well, and took a few pictures on my rainy morning walk today (and daisies in the garden, too!).


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