Sunday, June 1, 2014

Eastern Idaho

We are continually amazed at how the landscape can change out here in just a few miles. 

From the rugged beauty of Yellowstone, we headed southwest into the heart of potato country in Idaho - miles of soft rolling hills of green, with the mountains in the background as a reminder of how close we still were to the Teton range.

We took a side trip up to the Grand Targhee ski area - back over the border into Wyoming.   We had skied there in 1988, and I remember that the top of the chairlift had offered us a panoramic view of the Teton Mountains, including Grand Teton at over 13,000 feet.   This time, while the Grand Targhee parking lot was too low to get the same view, we did get some glimpses of the range from the winding climb to the closed-for-the-season area.   

At least the dogs got yet another chance to romp in the snow --- on June 1, no less!

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