Monday, June 2, 2014

R & R

It's a hot sunny day here in the greater Salt Lake City area, but the Wasatch range to our east still shows signs of snow at the higher elevations.  

Today was just a travel day from Pocatello Idaho (named after a 19th century Shoshone chief --- and I thought the name had an Italian connection!) down to Salt Lake City, with a stop in the urban sprawl of the Brigham City / Ogden / Salt Lake City area for groceries.  No breathtaking photographs to share....

Brigham City was named, as you'd guess, for Brigham Young, who first settled his Mormon followers in the area.   Young was not the first leader of the Latter Day Saints, but took over when the founder, Joseph Smith, was murdered in Carthage, Illinois in 1844.   I mention Smith because he was born in Sharon Vermont, and the town is now the site of the Joseph Smith memorial.

In the next couple of days, we hope to visit the Mormon Tabernacle as well as the Bonneville Salt Flats, west of Salt Lake City.  Fortunately for me, I don't think John will be allowed to race the RV across the Bonneville speedway and try to break the land-speed record for 30-foot motorhomes.

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